Each of our centrifugal mechanics has ten years experience, or more of mainly (90%) working on centrifugal chillers. This includes numerous complete teardowns and rebuilds or, conversions to an alternative refrigerant, of centrifugal chillers. Our customers will have a centrifugal mechanic that is factory trained overhauling their centrifugal. The parts that are required to bring a centrifugal back to factory specification, are parts supplied by the manufacturer, that made that customers chiller. The Gaskets and O rings shall be by the manufacturer or be of a higher quality, so that the integrity of the chiller can be maintained, and under warranty for two years by Major Air Systems Ltd.
The number of absorbers in the Ontario area is small in relationship the number of centrifugals. However, we also have mechanics that are factory trained to overhaul any type of absorber. Our mechanics have years of experience servicing and rebuilding absorbers.